Posted on Feb 27, 2014 in Uncategorized | 7 comments

I’m very pleased to let you know that on March 14, 2014, I’ll be presenting a TRISP workshop that I’m calling, “If Freud Were a Woman: Gender, Trauma, and the Ethics of Care. “ I’ll ask participants to join me in a thought experiment that imagines how psychoanalysis would have been different if Freud had been born a woman.

Carol Gilligan, a feminist theorist whose 1982 book, In a Different Voice, exposed the masculine biases underlying Kohlberg’s studies, has called our attention to the fact that women’s voices, in contrast to men’s, are often marked by tentativeness and uncertainty. In contrast to boys and men whose moral judgments are guided by what they believe to be universal codes of behavior and considerations of justice, girls and women tend to be guided by an “ethics of care;” relationships are their central concern.  If you agree with Gilligan, how do you think Freud, the woman, might have developed psychoanalysis?

This is just one of the questions that we can bat around at my workshop.  Please join me. I think you’ll have fun playing with some stimulating ideas.

Posted by Doris Brothers